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Agencies must become pro-active, not reactive, when it comes to data security and preventing a breach. Making employees aware of the dangers of social media is crucial in the fight against these data breaches and organization liability.

Preventing data breaches and identity theft takes more than technology or good procedure. Stopping data breaches before they occur requires building a “Breach-Free Culture” within your organization. Properly training employees across all areas of data protection is a necessary component to breach-proof environment. Although cyber-criminals may get the headlines and media attention, the fact is that that most breaches are caused by human error and process failures, not advanced hackers.

This training is required by many states regularly to stay in compliance with the law. This training goes above and beyond state standards to provide an empowering and engaging session that leaves staff wondering where the time went.

"Technology can't always stop someone from making mistakes but training them in a way that changes thinking, and behavior can bring about a “Breach-Proof Culture” where employees across all departments share a heightened awareness, understanding, and commitment to eliminating risk."
Learning Objectives:

• Recognize ways that we are being “Socially Engineered.”

• Develop an awareness of the ways that people put the organization at risk of a data breach.

• Remove key information from Social Media in order to prevent identity theft, data breaches, and social liability.

• Demonstrate a basic understanding of the cyberthreats an organization faces and the methods to counteract those threats.

Shelley McDowell, North Lamar ISD

“Mark recently conducted an outstanding training for our company. With humor and factual knowledge, he easily held the attention of our employees while educating them regarding social networking, identity theft, and data breach prevention. The information he conveyed was not only pertinent in our electronic culture, but also open the eyes of our employees to the importance of being proactive in his area."

Roland Haley



ETA Global


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